Feminist Space
September 2023

Feminist Barbie?

We are in colour and we won't go back to black and white

There have been many favourable reviews concerning the “Barbie” film, created by the director, Greta Gerwig with the cooperation of the manufacturer, Mattel. Its feminist theme, which emphasises the patriarchy and its many tentacles, as well as the use of a very important tool amongst women, such as sorority, is good. Especially considering that most of the public consists of teenage girls and women. In this film, which seems quite idyllic but also quite snobbish, Gerwig represents how society would be in both ways (matriarchy and patriarchy), but it doesn't end with an agreement between women and men, as it turns into Barbie's town of plastic and not into real life. A pink world where people's diversity, which currently exists, isn't represented, such as the LGTBI collective or non-binary people (and when they appear, they are considered strange). Most of them are white, blond and heterosexual, the classic stereotype that doesn't represent reality. Although its creator, Ruth Handler, didn't plan for it, for decades, Barbie has been a stereotype reference that has done a lot of damage to women and young girls who have risked their health with a multitude of aesthetic surgery procedures in order to look like the doll. Furthermore, the resulting financial cost in private clinics is another business in this capitalist-patriarchal society that puts pressure on women with its beauty standards, a theme that doesn't appear in the film: capitalism and its voracious consumption. It is a product that the management of a multinational company, consisting of men mostly, exploits, sells and which makes them richer. Each year they collect millions in profits thanks to this doll, and the next to be launched will probably be Feminist Barbie. Let’s hope it has a positive effect and opens the minds of people, but I fear that it will just increase the sales of this doll and its owners will only get richer again, as this film is a fabulous advertisement for yet another product.

Adelina Padrón Cabrera

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